Welcome to our Bethlahem Matric Higher Secondary School.

  • Karungal, Kanyakumari District, TamilNadu,India. Pin - 629157

  • Call Us 9489037169,04651 - 267501

  • Mail Us info@bethlahem.org


27 Jul


To enhance subject knowledge among the School Children. We guide children in preparing for the exams and motive them to excel in the exams. The clubs are Tamil Mandram, English club, Maths club, Science club and Social club.

English Club

English is a global language. A group of people - club members who meet regularly to practice speaking, Listening, Reading and writing in English.


  • Group conversations
  • Organizing a skit
  • Organizing a debate
  • Organizing Role plays
  • Inviting & Interviewing a Guest speaker

Tamil Mandram

Various competitions in extempore, debate, essay writing, Creative writing, poetry writing, skit quiz, oratory are conducted to enhance the student’s skills towards Tamil languages.


  • To enhance the Tamil Spoken and written language skills.
  • To conduct various competitions and events to cherish the greatness of Tamil languages.
  • To inculcate the habit of being well versed to Tamil Literature.
  • To disseminate Knowledge by conducting workshops and events related to various social causes.

Maths Club

A Maths Club is a chance for everybody to have fun with Maths in an entirely non – Judgmental and ideally relatively free flowing environment. If can happen at any time of day outside timetabled lessons.


  • Puzzels
  • Games
  • Magic
  • Art
  • Card Games
  • Dice games
  • Board games
  • Tricks

Science Club

Ideas for fun Science activities to de with after school clubs, including intended to do with after school blubs. including extended investigations and designing a product.


  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Geology
  • Meterology
  • Physics

For Class : II and above

Child should have successfully completed the previous class from a recognized school (as established by the previous school's 'School Leaving Certificate').